

Display Pastoral Support Menu

Display Pastoral Support Menu

The links below are on a range of topics that you may want to seek advice about. In addition to this, don’t forget you can speak to any adult you trust here at Wycliffe who will be there to listen and support you in accessing any help you may need.

We also have a confidential School Counsellor who you can speak to if you wish.

Staying connected

As a school community it is important that we feel connected and supported by one another.


Your house is your home at school. Your Housemaster or Housemistress, along with Matron will always be on hand to support you. They will also be able to give you advice about other help that is available.

Counselling sessions

1-2-1 counselling session are available for pupils via our independent counsellor. Please ask your Housemaster or Housemistress or see one of the health centre team to arrange an appointment.

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