

Why Send your Child to Wycliffe Prep School?

Date Posted: 10th August

Categories: Prep School

At Wycliffe we prepare our young people to succeed and find their passions in a globalised world. Our curriculum is shaped to develop critical thinking enhanced through opportunity to problem solving all while promoting and encouraging a love of learning. Choosing the right school for your child is a difficult decision and it is vital you consider a range of options. Choosing an independent prep school for your child gives them a fantastic start in life and, at Wycliffe pupils have every opportunity to thrive, build their confidence, express their individual passions and develop academically. Our school creates truly global citizens ready for the modern world and we’re taking this opportunity to look more closely at the benefits afforded by preparatory education.

Advantages of Sending Your Child to a Prep School?

Choosing to send your child to a prep school is a personal decision and many parents opt to do this whether they had the same educational experiences or not. Prep schools afford your children a wide range of unique and advantageous opportunities including:

Focused Learning

Prep schools have a school-orientated and fully focused environment for learning. Many of the children are boarders so do not head home at the end of the school day, meaning their whole life experience is immersed in the school environment. Even day pupils benefit from this learning focused community atmosphere. Cultivating a love of learning and education is at the heart of the prep school system.

Building Independence

Whether boarding or not, prep school gives children the space to grow and develop independently. Children learn to live with others and form strong bonds with both their peers,the chance to develop additional life skills as they are responsible for elements of their own self-care. Understandably, some parents worry about losing their close relationship with their child due to their time at school, but most enjoy a stronger bond with less need to nag and moan at their children about homework and other issues.

wycliffe girl doing class work
Boy with two girls having fun outside posing for picture

Child Friends Boys Girls Playful Nature Offspring Concept

Strong Bonds and Friendships

The small class sizes and of course, boarding buddies, mean that children at prep school build exceptionally strong bonds with their friends. Many adults who went to prep school still consider their friends from their first day amongst their closest friends. Prep schools consider all their pupil’s part of their family and the closeness of the relationships built is a testament to this.

Extracurricular Opportunities

Prep schools offer an exceptional level of extracurricular activities. This allows pupils to build their skills, talents and passions outside of the classroom. Some prep schools may have extensive grounds fantastic facilities which allow pupils to develop their sporting abilities, musical prowess or other skillsets.

What Makes Wycliffe Prep School Different?

Wycliffe Prep School offers every pupil incredible opportunities to develop academically and find their feet in the world. We have a real focus on nurturing confident, global citizens and believe we offer something unique for each pupil. Let’s look more closely about what makes Wycliffe Prep School stand-:

Age range is from 3 to 13

Most prep schools finish at Year 6, whereas Wycliffe finishes at Year 8. The benefits of a prep school that finishes in Year 8 are vast; by attending year 7 and 8 at Wycliffe, pupils can remain children for longer whilst enjoying being the top of the school and leading young pupils.  A 13+ preparatory school like Wycliffe bridges the gap between what they are exposed to and their maturing impulses, which will result in a higher level of self-awareness and self-confidence. At Wycliffe, leadership skills are instilled into each pupil, whether they hold a position of responsibility within the school or not. These vital skills allow all young people to move forward in life, and they come from learning how to navigate complex social situations with their peers, getting to know themselves better, and learning to consider the part that they play in the framework of our community.

Saturday School

Wycliffe offers a Saturday school for years 6, 7 and 8. They consist of structured thematic sessions designed to enrich the curriculum. Wycliffe offers flexibility which allows pupils to use their time to develop some of the critical skills they’ll need in later life – such as debating, working as a team and problem solving.

A Global Approach to Life and Learning

At Wycliffe we want every pupil to flourish and embrace their future as global citizens. We are an outward looking school with a global perspective and the aim of helping our pupils develop into well-rounded, confident individuals ready for the wider world. As members of the Round Square network, we have connected with Trivandrum School in India, giving our pupils the opportunity to work collaboratively with others on the other side of the world.

Small Class Sizes

Our small class sizes mean pupils get a higher level of attention and focus from their teachers. Classes have between 12 and 15 pupils usually and this gives each individual one on one time with their teacher and the chance to develop strong bonds with their classmates too. Pupils benefit from more individual feedback and close emotional support too.


wycliffe teacher and students learning in class

Broad, Enriched Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to challenge and stretch our pupils to their absolute best. It is autonomous to allow pupils to self-direct and control their own learning pathways. There are many opportunities for individualised learning so pupils can forge their own path and develop to the best of their ability.

Exceptional Pastoral Care

Wycliffe Prep School is renowned for its high standards of pastoral care. Our highly experienced Director of Pastoral Care works closely with both the Senior Deputy Head and the Head. Tutor groups are small to allow pupils to feel close to someone within the school and build a strong level of trust and rapport. This goes for parents too. Our pastoral care also extends to additional services such as counselling and special educational needs support where required. All pupils have the support they need to thrive from day one with us.

Why Choose Wycliffe Prep School

Wycliffe Prep School offers pupils the chance to flourish and experience a wide range of opportunities simply not available in the average school. Our pre-school pupils, for example, benefit from swimming lessons which is not something any nursery class will offer. We ensure our pupils benefit from smooth transition at every stage from 3 up to the date they leave our school. Our specialist staff and coaches from the upper and senior school are able to share their experience, knowledge and talents with even the youngest pupils ensuring an enriched and unparalleled level of schooling. We are also able to maintain our high standards of individualised teaching and small class sizes throughout our pupils’ education whilst most state-supported schools have a staff to pupil ratio nearer 1:30.

Enrich your Child’s Future at Prep School

Wycliffe Independent Prep School values every individual pupil and sets them up for a fantastic future. We believe strongly in our abilities to help children reach beyond their potential and adopt a wholly global perspective. We recognise parents have a lot of questions to ask when choosing a school for their child, and hope to provide you with all the information you need to decide if Wycliffe is the right choice. Get in touch directly to find out more about Wycliffe Prep School.

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Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

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