

What are the Value-Added Opportunities Available at Wycliffe Sixth Form?

Date Posted: 24th October

Categories: Sixth Form

Wycliffe Sixth Form offers a variety of value-added opportunities being a vibrant place to study from our expansive offering of 28 post 16 courses including diverse A Level subject and three BTecs (BTec Business, BTec Digital Production and BTec Sport). With career portfolio preparation, career education and the American and Overseas University programme, we go the extra mile to ensure we’re setting up students for a successful career after school. Plus, with over 60 extra-curricular activities, there’s plenty of opportunity to pursue individual interestsand enjoyment outside of study time.

Results repeatedly show that pupils make excellent progress from wherever their starting point may be. Discover how Wycliffe sixth form goes beyond the usual curriculum and offers additional value:

Create a Career Portfolio

Each pupil is encouraged throughout their time at Wycliffe Senior School, starting in Year 9, to develop their own electronic career portfolio. Pupils will create and use this career portfolio to guide their exploration of passions, interests and skills to discover clues to future possibilities and to build career management skills. This will include everything from their favourite subjects, their passions, interests, priorities, and plans for the future.

Career Education Support

All Sixth Form pupils have the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring and personal development. Our Career Education Manager carries out one-to-one career guidance sessions to explore, consider and support future plans. Personal tutors also provide support and advice throughout the formative Sixth Form years. A dedicated competitive courses coordinator is available for counselling and actively supports pupils applying to the most prestigious universities and most competitive higher education courses.

senior school pastoral care at wycliffe

Create an Aspire Project

In Year 12, pupils will create an Aspire project, which involves reflecting on who they are. They are tasked with researching a future objective and then required to present findings to an external professional. The aim of this is to increase independence and planning skills to formulate their ambitions into a career plan and receive the best feedback possible.

Attend A Career Fair

Wycliffe hosts an annual event called the ‘Futures Fair’ with presentations from a range of employers, employees, apprentice providers, University staff and Old Wycliffians. They present all there is to know about their daily work life and career, making it the perfect opportunity to learn about a variety of industries and see the work that goes on within them. It’s a great way to arm pupils with all the information they need to consider what next steps and career is right for them, as well as build connections in industries they might be interested in.

Unlimited Access to Career Resources

Sixth form pupils have access to both the Unifrog and eclips tools to help research career ideas and build personal career management tables. Our weekly career newsletter keeps pupils uptodate and work experience is advertised for pupils to take part in if they wish.

We also offer insight days and competitions, allowing them to learn about the world of work and get inspiration for the future.

Expert Talks

Our weekly life skills sessions will feature successful professionals sharing their career journey and personal experience. Our series of Expert lectures and guest speakers help give sixth formers the understanding of higher education and leave them feeling well prepared and confident in your pathway

American and Overseas University Programme

Our dedicated Overseas University co-ordinator runs the American and Overseas University Programme helping students prepare for admissions into international universities. Wycliffe for the past 8 years has provided a rare value added opportunity for Sixth Formers  a PSAT, SAT and ACT testing centre for the American University testing system. Recent graduates of this program have secured a substantial scholarships to attend top US universities including Harvard

Wycliffe girl studying

Visit Wycliffe Sixth Form

Discover more about Wycliffe sixth form by attending one of our regular open events or alternatively you can get in touch with one of our admission Team to arrange a tour and answer any questions you may have. Contact us on 01453 822432 or email us on for more information.

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We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

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