

How to Know If a Private School Education Is Worth It?

Date Posted: 26th October

Categories: Prep SchoolSenior SchoolSixth Form

Deciding where your child should go to school is a choice every parent has to make, but it isn’t always easy. When it comes to choosing whether to send your child to state school or private school, there are lots of factors to consider such as the school’s culture, curriculum, values, ethos and travelling time from home.There is also the cost to consider, but how do you know if an independent school education is worth it? Read on to find out the benefits of sending your child to private school.

Assessing the costs of independent education

When considering your child’s academic future, price is often a factor. Choosing an independent education for your child is a big financial decision, which is why it’s important to understand the value of independent schools.

Paying for a private education impacts the education your child will receive, with access to more resources, better facilities, and outstanding teacher to pupil ratio.. The cost of a private school may mean forgoing a family holiday each year, but in return your child will benefit from the happiness that comes from being in the right educational establish that allows them to flourish educationally and as a person.

At Wycliffe, we have different fees based on each age group, and additional fees if your child is boarding with us. Fees can also vary depending on the type of boarding you have chosen, whether that’s full time boarding, flexi, or occasional. This is something to explore with your child before attending Wycliffe, to help them best suit their needs and the family’s needs. Learn more about our schedule of fees.

While assessing the costs of independent education, It’s also important to also balance this with the long-term benefits of private school can provide which impact your child’s future opportunities.

Wycliffe HM Forces students smiling

Benefits of private school

1.     Smaller class sizes

Smaller class sizes are one of the main benefits of private schools. Smaller classes gives children more one on one time with their teachers, increased time for individual feedback and emotional support and more opportunities for personalised Instruction and Development.

2.     Enriching extra-curricular opportunities

Most private schools offer a vast range of extra-curricular activities to provide a well-rounded education for pupils. At Wycliffe, we nurture the mind, body and soul through our diverse extra-curricular programme with over 60 activities. Our extra-curricular clubs range from traditional skills such as cooking to bee-keeping and yoga, to more interactive clubs such as esports and CCF. Activities give pupils a great chance to socialise with peers and an opportunity to find their passions.

We also have a fantastic performing arts department for students to get involved with. We regularly invite musicians and drama specialists to run masterclasses and workshops.

3.     Enhanced curriculum

Private schools aren’t restricted by the national curriculum which means they’re able to offer pupils a broader variety of subjects. At Wycliffe we invest in curriculum, as well as boarding parents and staff development to provide our pupils the best teaching and learning available.

Our life skills programme helps prepare pupils for essential skills they will need later in life. These include debating, analysing, developing responsibility and working as a team.

wycliffe boarding school common room for prep students

4.     Excellent pastoral care

Ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing of our pupils is our top priority and is reflected in every area of their school life. Form Tutors, onsite Medical Staff, the College Chaplain and the Deputy Head Pastoral, are available whenever pupils need them.

As well as running a House system, which provides students with a place to call their own. Every pupil from year 9 has their own allocated desk and space in house and even day pupils have access to stay on the campus until 8pm every evening.

We also have a chapel for students to visit and a 24/7 health centre on-site, to ensure any medical needs can be met as quickly as possible.

Nutrition is another important pillar of our pastoral care. Our onsite caterers Holroyd Howe cater exclusively for independent schools, serving delicious and nutritious meals for everyone, including children with individual dietary requirements such as vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, halal and more.

5.     Results

Pupils at Wycliffe are provided with the tools and support they need to achieve great results in their final exams. We pride ourselves in helping students achieve their potential, no matter what their learning stage or background.

With outstanding teaching, comes outstanding results. In 2022 well over one-third of grades were awarded at 9-7 (previously A*/A) and eight of every ten grades was at 5 or higher. In Sixth Form Wycliffe achieved a round-figure of 100 of all A Level grades achieved at the Stonehouse school being either A* or A. These results have opened up a wide range of opportunities for higher education, including courses and university destinations.

What else might you expect in comparison to traditional schools

Boarding options

We understand that circumstances in family life may mean that boarding is the best option for your child’s education. Boarding schools offer several benefits, from encouraging independence to improving social skills, all of which have a positive impact on your child’s development. We offer flexibility with full, day and flexi boarding from the age of 7 and, our individual approach is designed to ensure every pupil flourishes during their time at Wycliffe. Parents can also take comfort in the fact that Wycliffe is co-ed, so that siblings of different genders, ages and ability can go to the same school and even share a dorm. Find out more about our boarding options.

School trips

School trips help pupils learn outside of their usual classroom setting and should also be great fun. Wycliffe independent school organises regular trips and expedition dates and, our recent trips include: Hooke Court Farm Experience, Paris, the Year 8 Sports Tour, York, Cotswold Water Park, camping, Cheltenham Festivals, New York, Iceland and much more.

Career Support

Independent schools offer careers and higher education guidance which is tailored to your child’s individual aspirations. With a dedicated career department, Wycliffe can provide invaluable support to your child when it comes to mapping out their career path, something that may not be on offer to the same standard at traditional schools. Throughout their time at Wycliffe, pupils are given Life Skills lessons, tutor time and career activities to help them develop a career portfolio.

Our American and overseas university programme gives has been put in place to help students prepare for admissions into international universities. With over 8 years of experience in the programme helping students studying dreams come true, we can facilitate yours and help your application process. 

Making friends for life from across the world

Our international boarding school welcomes children from over 30 different nationalities and are warmly welcomed into our independent school’s tight knit community. The cultural diversity at Wycliffe supports our students in cultivating social and environmental awareness, while understand their own role as global citizens. Learn more about our international boarding school.

As a Round Square school, Wycliffe is part of Round Square’s internationally diverse network of 200 like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents, inspiring pupils to become future leaders and custodians of our planet and importantly share a commitment, beyond academic excellence in terms of: personal development, responsibility and understanding through service, challenge, and adventure. We are developing a unique curriculum which includes facets of the six IDEALS or ‘pillars’ that make up the Round Square continuum (Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service) and these align neatly with Wycliffe’s ideals. They have provided an opportunity to work in collaboration with schools across the world.

Choose the right school for your family

Whether you choose to invest in a private school or go through the state school system, choosing the right school that fits your family and children’s needs, is essential to making sure an education is worth it. While state schools follow the national curriculum, private schools often have a bespoke curriculum to suit each child’s individual learning requirements. Independent school also provide enrichment to a child’s education with value-added activities, such as extra-curricular enrichment and career support.

senior school pastoral care at wycliffe

Stories from Wycliffe

We have lots of positive students to tell here at Wycliffe, read some below and browse more student testimonials here.

Amelia’s Story – From Wycliffe To Harvard

 “Without the amazing American College programme at Wycliffe, I highly doubt that I would be at Harvard. I received extensive support in preparation for the admission tests and was helped every step of the way. Wycliffe also helped me understand what to expect when I moved to college and their different educational programme.”

Amelia was awarded a substantial scholarship from Harvard where she is studying Chemistry and plays for the Harvard Women Varsity Squash Team.

Sohil’s Story – Boarding At Wycliffe

For Sohil, current Year 10 pupil who comes from a Forces’ family, life at Wycliffe has given him a home in one place where he can develop strong friendships and be part of a supportive community.

Boarding has provided Sohil with a caring and supportive “family”. “You have your own space which you can make your own just like your bedroom at home. And although Mum isn’t here to do your laundry you can take it to Matron! The staff in the Boarding House are so friendly. If you are unsure of anything you can ask anyone around the House for help. The buddy system with older pupils really helped me settle in quickly.”

Recent Good Schools Guide Prep School Review

“Refreshingly relaxed yet bursting with activity and energy, Wycliffe offers a ‘wholly child centered, holistic education’ balancing academic, pastoral and extracurricular with aplomb.

A place where children can revel in their childhood and at the same time are given a foundation on which to build, question, challenge and endeavour.

… A small prep with big ideas.”

Explore Wycliffe Private School in Gloucestershire

Wycliffe Private School is located in a secure, scenic countryside campus, just 90 minutes away from London. Plan a visit to come and see us today, alternatively visit us on one of our open events. Please get in contact today if you’d like a tour of Wycliffe’s campus and we’ll be happy to help.

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Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

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