

International pupils can board at Wycliffe from Year 3 (age 7 onwards), and they become part of a friendly, family-environment joining about 60 other full-time boarders. We have a Tier 4 Sponsor Licence for both Day and Boarding Pupils, and so we can accommodate boarders from all over the world. In the Boarding community we have approximately 12 international pupils and the remaining boarders are from the UK. To make life easier for our families we do not close over the Exeat weekends and pupils can stay at school for no additional cost.

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International Students Study Options

There are many options that international pupils choose from when studying at Wycliffe. We are as flexible as possible whilst ensuring that your son or daughter fulfils what they want to achieve when studying in the UK, ie. improving English; immersion in English culture; developing their confidence, gaining more independence.

Children can come to us for a short stay – we offer a minimum of a four weeks programme, or half a term, a term or longer. We can discuss with you and your agent what suits your family best.

We offer Language Support from Year 3 (age 7 onwards). For Years 3 and 4 pupils, we organise a Teaching Assistant who supports individually. Years 5 to Year 8 follow the English as an Additional Language Foundation Programme. We can prepare for the most appropriate Cambridge ESOL Examination; e.g. KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test) and FCE (First Certificate English).

English Foundation Programme for Years 5 to 8

International pupils in Years 5 to Year 8 (ages 9 to 13) join the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Foundation Programme which is tailor-made to their individual need and allows them to learn English at their own pace. Our specialist EAL teachers aim for pupils to access as much of the mainstream curriculum as possible, while culturally integrating and participating within all areas of the school community.

Lessons are in groups of two to five pupils and are timetabled alongside mainstream English, Each EAL lessons encourages pupils to become more accurate with spoken English, develop their reading comprehension, listening and writing skills, enlarge vocabulary and strengthen their grammatical understanding.

Outside of English, pupils study their other subjects (Science, History, Geography, Information Computer Technology, Drama, Art, Music, Maths and Religious Studies) with their year group.

Relationships between the boarders and staff contribute to close communities within each of the boarding houses. Boarders forge strong friendships; they support one another and they learn to be patient living in close proximity to one another.

All pupils…develop mature, thoughtful qualities and they consider the needs of others. They collaborate positively, appreciate their friendships and make the most of opportunities available to them at school. Welfare, health and safety are excellent.

Recent ISI Inspection, Prep School

Frequently Asked Questions...

Do you offer short term programmes? 

Yes. We can accommodate study options for a minimum of one Term during the Autumn, Spring and Summer for Years 3 to Years 8. The only exception to this is that (due to the timetable) we cannot manage pupils staying for the second half of the Year 8 Summer Term (usually just at the start of June). However, if pupils for Year 8 would like to join at the start the Summer Term (around the end of April depending on what Easter happens) then they can stay for the whole of the Summer Term.

Do we need to get a Guardian if we are studying in the UK, and if our son or daughter is only with you for a short time? 

Yes. We have to ensure that every pupil who is resident overseas has a UK Guardian in place, even if they are only staying with us for a short time. We cannot accept pupils into boarding without a UK Guardian in place – International Applications

Can we join during the academic year or do we have to wait to the start of the academic  year? 

At the Prep School, we can take pupils in at any point in the year, providing that we have space in that year group and they fulfil our admissions requirements – How to Apply 

Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

Enquire today to secure your spot and embark on your exciting educational journey at Wycliffe.

Learn more here