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Pupil Support

We are aware that pupils returning to school will be experiencing many different emotions. These emotions may range from huge excitement to be back at school with their friends, to anxiety about the unknown and many ‘what if’ questions.
The Prep School pastoral team are aware of the range of emotions we may encounter and will be sensitively using materials from trusted sources such as the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, which are appropriate for the age of the children. We will also be encouraging/teaching Resilience and introducing pupils to self-care strategies through the Life Skills programme which they can use both at school and at home.


We are employing a variety of strategies to support children in their return to school by


· Creating safe spaces for discussions with key staff

· We have enhanced our Life Skills programme to reflect on events in the last 6 months and support pupils in the months to come.

· Tutors are continuing to closely monitor Pupil’s well-being.

· We are maintaining familiar routines to create as much of a sense as normality whilst ensuring children both feel and are safe.

· Praising and rewarding children for demonstrating Wycliffe Preparatory School’s Core Values in Responsibility, Resilience, Empathy and Respect.

· As well as the above, additional support has also been put in place for our Boarders.


Mrs Askew –

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