

An award of achievement that celebrates every aspect of Year 7 and 8 at Wycliffe Preparatory School.

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Two-year Programme

The Wycliffe Baccalaureate is a two-year programme that takes into account achievement in both Year 7 and Year 8, with achievement in Year 7 accounting for one third of the award, and achievement in Year 8 accounting for two thirds.

Children at the school for less than two years are still eligible for the award.

wycliffe girls playing with bubbles
wycliffe students in the science lab

Academic Performance

The Wycliffe Baccalaureate recognises the importance of achievement and performance across all areas of the Wycliffe Curriculum. Academic performance therefore contributes to two-thirds of the award in each year, where pupils are assessed across the curriculum through formative in-class assessment, formal summative assessments, and the end of year exams.

Core Values

Whilst academic performance is unquestionably important, we also recognise the key role that attitude has in a child’s school life and, as such, we feel that attitude should contribute to the award. One third of the award in each year is therefore informed by achievement against the school’s Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Empathy.

wycliffe pupils holding signs with values written
wycliffe kids on a bike expedition

Breadth of Education

The Wycliffe Baccalaureate represents the breadth of education at the Prep School, and therefore each subject carries an equal weighting in its contribution to the final award, as do Wycliffe Citizenships and the Kirby Challenge. We believe that each child’s attitude and achievements, in all aspects of school life, are integral to the way we want them to develop at the Preparatory School; equipped for success and happiness at their Senior School, and ready and able to make a contribution to their new school environment, their wider community, and in their future.

Wycliffe Baccalaureate Diploma

At the end of each child’s time in Year 8, they will be presented with their Wycliffe Baccalaureate diploma at the formal Wycliffe Baccalaureate presentation evening. This diploma is determined by the overall level of achievement, and is awarded at on of four levels:

Foundation Pass, Pass, Merit and Distinction

Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

Enquire today to secure your spot and embark on your exciting educational journey at Wycliffe.

Learn more here