

At Wycliffe, we are passionate about supporting children on every part of their educational journey, developing well-rounded and confident individuals both inside the classroom and out.

We understand that deciding on post-11 education for your child is a big decision, especially as your child is at an age where key foundations are being laid. Our tailored approach can transform your child’s education as they start year 7 and continue the next step of their educational journey.

We will help them embrace their interests, try new and exciting activities, develop their true sense of self, build their self-confidence and become more resilient.

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Year 7 at Wycliffe, prepares students for Secondary School life

Many people often assume that Senior School begins in Year 7, but a 13+ Prep School offers your child the opportunity to stay in a Prep school environment for an additional two years, before they join Secondary school. The benefits of your child beginning Senior School in Year 9 is twofold – childhood and academic enrichment.

Remaining in Prep School for a further two years aids your child in preparing for Senior School by allowing for further development of emotional and academic skills, as well as giving them the opportunity to take on leadership responsibilities that they may not have at that age in other schools.

Wycliffe girl playing netball
Wycliffe boys dressed in costumes

What Are the Benefits of Attending Wycliffe Prep School?

Moving to secondary school at the age of 11 can be a big jump, especially at a time when students within this age group as just developing their self-confidence and self-awareness.  Attending a 13+ Prep School like Wycliffe can aid a seamless transition between Prep School and Senior School, ensuring children are mature enough and fully prepared mentally to adapt to increased academic pressures and learning in a bigger year group. Wycliffe understand how important bridging the gap between year groups is to ensure students can reach their full potential while on their educational journey, the benefits of attending Wycliffe Prep School include:

  • Smaller class sizes
  • More one-on-one time with teachers allowing for more individualised feedback to increase confidence amongst students, ready for Year 9.
  • Introduction of new subjects within the curriculum such as languages
  • Students develop soft skills by applying what they learn within the classroom to real situations
  • Leadership opportunities including Prefect, Head of House, Mentor to younger pupils and Sports Team Captains

Strong sense of community and pastoral care

Through our House System we promote a strong sense of community and team spirit. Every pupil has a space where they can work, socialise, and access pastoral support. Our team of Pastoral Leaders at Wycliffe are passionate about mental health support. They are able to guide children and prepare them as they transition from Years 7 and 8 to Senior School Years of 9 and beyond.

Embrace Leadership Opportunities

In a 13+ Prep School, your child will have the opportunity to become a role model to younger pupils. At Wycliffe, leadership skills are instilled into every pupil, whether they hold a position of responsibility within the school or not.

Having these vital skills can help young people navigate difficult and sometimes complex peer interaction and social situations, it helps them become more aware of themselves and their role within the wider community. This self-awareness combined with an environment where they are still allowed to be children is an incredibly powerful and rewarding environment for any child.

Wycliffe students in science class

The Benefit of Smaller Classes

Our class sizes are smaller than that of a regular secondary school, this allows our pupils to benefit from:

  • More one on one time with their teachers,
  • More opportunities to build confidence as they develop
  • More time for individual feedback
  • More time for emotional support for every pupil
  • More opportunities for personalised instruction

Talk to Our Prep School Admissions Team

If you’d like more information or would like to book a personal tour with our Admissions team to feel for what life is like at Wycliffe Prep School and how our approach could suit your child, fill out the form below.


Enquiry Form

Parents' Details

Parent or Guardian

Education is more than just academic lessons

We believe that education is more than just academic lessons and must develop a child as a well-rounded individual. While our aim is for our pupils to achieve their best academically; we are passionate about ensuring that they flourish and embrace their future as global citizens. We do this by developing their creative side, building their confidence through leadership opportunities, and improving their communication skills, while ensuring that they work well in a team.

Our secure campus and excellent facilities enables us to offer an extensive all-encompassing extra-curricular programme that will give your child the opportunities to explore a range of exciting new experiences or build on talents they already have. From sporting activities and performing arts, to gardening and robot building, Wycliffe Prep School has something for everyone.

Learn more about extra-curricular opportunities at Wycliffe.

Wycliffe student in prep cricket

Wycliffe’s Broad Year 7 Curriculum

As your child grows, their opportunities grow with them. Here at Wycliffe, we offer a broad and varied curriculum offering 20+ subjects at GCSE, 28 choices of courses post 16 and US ACT and SAT university entrance preparation.

Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

Enquire today to secure your spot and embark on your exciting educational journey at Wycliffe.

Learn more here