

Pupils can talk to their Form Tutors, the onsite Medical Staff, the College Chaplain and the Deputy Head Pastoral, or any member of staff – who are always there if they need them. The communication between parents and staff has been recognised as a key strength of what we do, and our staff ensure they talk to you about achievements and concerns as each week progresses.

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Links with parents, carers and guardians are excellent….high levels of parental satisfaction with the school, its curriculum, the range of activities, the quality of pastoral care and the effectiveness of management, and a very large majority of the parents said they would recommend the school.

Recent Report from Independent Schools Inspectorate

Life as a Day Pupil

Every Day pupil at Wycliffe has their own space in House which includes; a desk, shelves, a cupboard and facilities to shower and change after games. Registration is in House at 8.15am, and lessons finish at 4.10pm. Many pupils stay later to enjoy activities or supervised prep in the Library or in House. Minibuses run from all over the county and beyond to bring pupils to and from School, and pupils can book on for Flexi-Boarding or Occasional Boarding.

group of wycliffe girls smiling and posing together
senior school boarders at wycliffe college in gloucestershire

Life as a Boarder

With around 220 Full Boarders, the Boarding Community is about half of all pupils at Wycliffe. Most of the pupils in Years 9 to 11 and the Development year share a room with a pupil within their year group. Same year pairings, ensure that bedtimes and timetables co-ordinate.

The majority of Years 12 and 13 reside in single rooms (although some do share). Whilst main meals are served in the dining hall, pupils do have access to a kitchen for their break time toast. House staff and pupils ensure that there is a range of engaging and varied activities on offer each week.

Chapel and Assemblies

Built in the 1950s by the pupils of the time using wood from Seaview Pier and disused barges, the Chapel is the community focus of the School. Every morning the whole Senior School gather here for Assembly, which are often themed to cover areas such as, Stress or Environmental Responsibility. The Chaplain leads the spiritual health of the pupils, staff and their families, with an underlying Christian foundation. We also support our pupils in the practice of their own faith.

wycliffe college chapel balcony view
wycliffe pupil and teacher sitting on a couch


Every House has a Matron who is available all day to support and look after pupils. She is always on hand to welcome pupils into the House at break times, lunchtime and the start and end of the day. As a constant presence, the pupils truly appreciate Matron who helps them with all sorts, including lost property and minor ailments.

Medical Provision

Our Health Centre is onsite, and we have three fully qualified and experienced Nurses on-site and medical assistance available 24/7 during term time. We are registered with a GP Surgery which is less than one-minute walk from campus and we are a 15 minute drive from a large Accident and Emergency centre.

Isolation Accommodation – we have two isolation rooms within the Health Centre alongside comfortable rooms to care for pupils who are unwell.

wycliffe college senior school
wycliffe pupils picking food from the cafeteria


Holroyd Howe, our onsite caterers provide all school meals. They have an excellent reputation and work exclusively with independent schools in the UK. Our caterers are extremely good at dealing with any individual dietary requirements that you child may have. We cater for vegetarians, vegans, gluten free, dairy free, lactose free, monosodium glutamate free pupils to mention a few.

Pupils develop a strong ethical code because of the way the school encourages them to think of others.

Limited Spaces Available!

We have a select few remaining spaces for September 2024 in specific years from Reception to Year 12.

Enquire today to secure your spot and embark on your exciting educational journey at Wycliffe.

Learn more here