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Our Offer

See details and course descriptions of the A Levels and Vocational Courses that we offer in our Senior Prospectus.

Entry Requirements

Please note the entry requirements to access our Sixth Form course options.

Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Art 6 in Art Geography 5 in Geography
Biology 6 in Biology or 6,6 in Dual Award Science German 6 in German
Business 6 in Mathematics History 6 in English
Chemistry 6 and 7 out of Mathematics and Chemistry (or Dual Award Science) Japanese 6 in Japanese
Computer Science 6 in Computer Science and programming experience, 4 in Mathematics Mathematics 6 in Mathematics or equivalent
Design & Technology 4 in Design and Technology and Mathematics Music 6 in Music plus instrument to Grade 6
Drama 5 in Drama and 5 in English Physical Education 6 in Biology or Dual Award Science and 5 in PE
Economics 6 in Mathematics and 5 in English Physics 6 and 7 out of Mathematics and Physics (or Dual Award Science)
English Literature 6 in English Literature Psychology 6 in a Science, 5 in Mathematics and English
Film Studies 5 in English Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics) 6 in English
French 6 in French  Spanish 6 in Spanish
Further Maths 7 in Mathematics  
BTEC Subject    
BTEC Business (2 A Level equivalent) 4 in Mathematics and English
CTEC Digital Media
(1 A Level equivalent)
4 in English
BTEC Sport (2 A Level equivalent) 4 in PE, where taken, and Biology or 4,4 in Dual Award Science
Extended Project Qualification
(AS equivalent)
6 in specialist subject area and a 5 in English
Core Mathematics (AS equivalent) 4 in Mathematics
We also offer
GCSE Mathematics Retake
GCSE English Language Retake
IELTS Exam (compulsory for International pupils without a first language GCSE in English)


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How to choose a private Sixth Form?

Choosing a Sixth Form isn’t an easy decision. There are a lot of factors to consider both practically, from the subjects that are offered, to emotionally, from staying close to friends and family to exploring a new country and immersing yourself in English culture. You should consider what is important to you and then explore a range of options that may meet your criteria. We recommend visiting the Sixth Form you’re thinking of applying to, to ensure you get a good feel for the school and what they offer.

What post-16 education options do I have?

There are a wide range of further education options available post-16. The National Careers Service states that all children need to decide on what path they choose to follow when they turn 16. Options available include staying in full-time education, completing an apprenticeship or learning part-time while working or volunteering for 20 hours per week.

What is post-16 education?

Post-16 education is any education that an individual undertakes after the age of 16. This may include traditional study such as A Levels or BTECs, but can also include vocational training and workplace learning.

How long is Sixth Form in the UK?

Sixth Form in the UK usually lasts two years. Most students are aged 16 when they start Sixth Form and finish Sixth Form when they are 18, although some International pupils join Sixth Form when they are 17.  They will have done the Development Year programme (where they have completed their GCSEs in a year and/or have EAL support) before going into the Sixth Form. Some International students are 19 when they finish their A Levels.

What year is Sixth Form in the UK?

12 and 13 are the usual Sixth Form years in the UK. Year 12 is often described as Lower Sixth and Year 13 Upper Sixth, where pupils finish their A Levels before embarking on the next step in their life. This could be going to university, another form of study or entering the world of work.

What is a private Sixth Form?

A private or independent Sixth Form is a school that offers a post-16 curriculum in a private education setting. Private Sixth Forms often offer a wider range of subject choices, different extra-curricular activities compared to the norm and enhanced career and/or individualised study support.

When to apply for Wycliffe Sixth Form?

Applications for Year 12 are open up until the start of the academic year. The application process is straightforward, to make it as easy as possible for you. Find out how to apply or email Fiona.lawson-best@wycliffe.co.uk, our Senior School Admissions Manager for more information.

Does Wycliffe offer Boarding for Sixth Form pupils?

Yes, pupils at Wycliffe between the age of 7 and 19 can Board with Full or Flexi-boarding options available. Pupils in Sixth Form will stay in one of our Senior School Boarding Houses. Day pupils will have access to their own space in one of the Boarding Houses too. Our diverse community sees Boarders coming from the UK and International Boarders from over 30 different countries.

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Wycliffe illustrated Map of the Grounds
Sixth Form
Group of school sports captains in uniform
Flexi & Full Boarding
Group of day boarding girls with arms around each other, outside

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