Mr Andrew Stone

Beautiful green school grounds with Cotswold hills in the background

Mr Andrew Stone, Deputy Head, Academic, Prep

When appointed, I shared my firm belief with Mrs Grant that I had been appointed to the best job in the world; the opportunity to work as part of a team of teachers to review and enhance a curriculum that will serve our young people, long after they have graduated from the Prep and Senior School. These really are the formative years when it comes to instilling a lifelong love of learning. I enjoy an afternoon watching my beloved Leicester City in a packed and energetic King Power Stadium, as much as I enjoy an isolated country walk in the beautiful Cotswold hills. Having moved to Gloucestershire as a family from Chicago, with my wife, Jenny, and two children, Jack and Lily, we look forward to exploring the sights and sounds of both near and far, and being tourists in our own country, after a long stint overseas! I have adopted a love of American BBQ and smoking food is something I’m enjoying experimenting with. 

Prep students walking illustration
Mrs Caoimhe Pettingell
Mr Richard Lee

We would love to welcome you to Wycliffe for a tour around our busy, contented, Cotswolds Campus.

Please get in touch to come and meet us.

Wycliffe illustrated Map of the Grounds

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