

Whether you’re looking to move your child’s school because you’re relocating or your child is unhappy where they are at the moment, the thought of changing school can be a daunting prospect for both parent and child. This is why we have created this guide to help you consider all the things you have to think about and do to ensure the change is a positive one.

Many children move school at some point in their life; in fact, it is actually more common than you think. It’s natural for children to change school when they reach a certain age, but they can move because of practical and emotional reasons too. Due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are also making the decision to relocate from the city to the countryside and because of this we are likely to see a bigger increase in children moving schools too.

Whatever the reason, moving school can be an emotional time for children and it’s important that the transition to a new school is handled well to minimise stress and disruption.

What’s included in this guide?

In order to support you, we have created this guide that explores:

  • Important considerations to think about when thinking about a move
  • How changing schools can affect children
  • When and how to actually make the move including advice on choosing and applying for new schools
  • Key steps to be taken before the move
  • How to support and look after your child’s wellbeing during the move
  • Two free checklists to use

Download your free guide. 

how to change schools successfully guide

Free Checklists to Print and Use

Included in this guide are two free checklists that can also be downloaded separately to print and use.

Ideal for all families whether you’re moving schools five miles or 100 miles away, the Starting a New School checklist details things to consider before your child starts a new school.

For families who are moving house, the Relocation Checklist gives you guidance on steps that should be taken to ensure you relocate and move schools with minimum stress and anxiety.

Download the Checklist for Starting a New School

Download the Relocating & Moving Schools Checklist





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